"Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud" - Dr. Maya Angelou
Multi-Disciplinary Leadership
Professional School Counselors are leaders within schools. We strive to support our students' success through leadership activities, including meaningful collaboration and attendance/leadership at 504 and IEP Meetings, Departmental Meetings, School Leadership Team Meetings, Child and Family Team Meetings. We also advocate for student success through our involvement in the development and implementation of Multi-Tier Systems of Support and the School Improvement Plan. The multi-faceted nature of our responsibilities coincide with the variety of leadership roles we assume. Our contributions as advocates for students position School Counselors as leaders within education reform and social justice efforts. The many roles of a School Counselor are delineated in the ASCA Role Description. Click the button below to learn more!
As a School Counselor Intern, I strive to promote student success, by advocating for access, equity, and justice for all students. Through my involvement in the school leadership team, I strive to create and contribute to a school culture of inclusivity and success for all by implementing a data-informed comprehensive school counseling program (ASCA, 2020). Click the buttons below to see more detailed information on the ways in which I've promoted student success through leadership.